Monday, September 21, 2015

Lesson 15 Understanding Hypermedia

Lesson 15
Understanding Hypermedia

Most educational applications are hypermedia and these include:
·       Tutorial software package
·       Knowledge webpages
·       Simulation instructional games
·       Learning project management and others.

Characteristic of hypermedia applications:

          Get the learners’ attention. Recall prior learning. Inform learners of lesson objectives. In the use of hypermedia the following instructional events will prove useful to the teacher:
·       Introduce the software and its distinctive features
·       Provide learning feedback
·       Assess performance
·       Enhance retention and learning transfer.
           As a student and an individual who is inclined to technology, I can say that I have been using different useful products of technology such as the hypermedia. These experiences were through power-point presentations in reports, videos, audio, texts, animations and many more activities in the school, home or even in the society.
        Understanding hypermedia is really important not just for us students or teachers but also for other people. It is because we are inclined with it in our daily life activities in school, home or in the environment.

          I will apply the usage of hypermedia to enhance and further substantiate the learning’s that will be acquired by my students and also to boost my effectiveness as a teacher by requiring my students to make outputs from specific subjects or topics in the curriculum such as video editing, photo editing, comic strips, magazines, music and many more.

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