Saturday, July 11, 2015

Lesson 4 Bridging the Generation Gap

Bridging the Generation Gap
Lesson 4

Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.”           - Robert Kennedy

          As time goes by, most of the things around us are changing; some are developing while some were led to extinction.
          In this lesson, time is in a great course. We cannot argue that comparison of different generations exists. Not just in the way how people look but also in different cultures and subcultures in the community like in the field of education. It is said that there is an enormous generation gap which continue unless some changes are adopted at the proper time.
          In connection, given the rapid emergence of digital technology, at times referred to as information and communication technology (ICT), there is a need to prepare for bridging the digital gap in society through understanding ICT.
          Given the speed and power of ICT for change, growth, innovation, it becomes critical that teachers understand the gap that may be perceived between them and the new generation of learners.
          Like most of people would, I experienced a lot of instances in which generation gap was involved not just in school but also at home and in the immediate community. One of the effects of generation gap is the separation and building up of walls between the old and the new generation. Moreover, the effects that I mentioned are also applicable in the school environment. As a result, In my case, I usually compromise to an old generation teacher for the sake of compliance in any activities in the way of following what she wants us to do.
          In this lesson, I realized that generation gaps should be amended so that the outcomes of the teaching and learning process will not be hindered. It’s not just about the old generation who should be adopting but also the new generation should too. It is because in the process, both sides will be affected if the generation gap will not be bridged.

          The knowledge that I learned in this lesson can be of vital function for my career as a student and eventually as a teacher. I will use my understanding about bridging generation gap in providing awareness of the old generation teachers towards the gradual acceptance of the essential effects brought to us by technology and also for my responsiveness in continuing to bridge the generation gap in my own special way which will surely lead to success.

Lesson 3 Understanding Technology Learners

Understanding Technology Learners
Lesson 3

“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterdays, we rob them of tomorrow.”
          -         John Dewey

          For a successful outcome of the teaching and learning process, the teacher should know and understand the students well. Well enough to engage them to several lessons which are essential to learning and well enough to carry the responsibility of being the vessel of wisdom that will attain for their educational needs as they sail the vast oceans of literacy.
          In this lesson, concerns about the ways of teaching and learning were raised. It is admitted that some of the teachers today are still using the traditional education program applicable to learners of the past. They fail to realize that the new generation of the 21st millennium is not the kind of learner that they once were, but are information technology or digital learners.
          We cannot deny the fact that there are valid concerns which must be met, and among these is the feared underdevelopment of new learners along social face-to-face interaction skills. Another is the phenomenon of the young generation taking on multi-tasking as they perform tasks simultaneously which is viewed as either detrimental since this prevents concentration and completion of specific tasks or characterizes professional work in the new world of information technology. Thus, there is a need to balance the good and detrimental changes observed among new learners of this information technology age.
          In the field of experience, my plate won’t be empty. As a teenager and as a student I have my own learning styles and own way of doing things simultaneously like most of the other individuals. Multi-tasking is a big part of being a student because either at school or at home, time is of great importance. Moreover, as what I observed from our teachers they are really trying their best to teach us with the aid of technology to satisfy our nature of being a digital or visual learner.
          In this lesson, I contemplated that our teachers either veterans or new are really trying their best to employ the perfect approaches, strategies and instructional materials for us to attain greater chances of learning a lot of things through stimulating all of our senses. Furthermore, I realized that we, students and or teachers should be responsible for our own doings such as multi-tasking because the result will depend on us; on our way of handling and perceiving things.
          In the field of application, this lesson can contribute a lot on my preparation of being a student teacher and eventually a professional teacher. It is indeed important to understand students because they are in one way or another considered as technology learners.
The teacher as the vessel of wisdom that will attain to the students' educational needs as they sail the vast oceans of literacy.

Lesson 2 An Overview: Educational Technology 2

An Overview: Educational Technology 2
Lesson 2

“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.”          - Bill Gates

          After experiencing all the challenges and fun in Educational Technology 1, I wondered what will happen in Educational Technology 2. As expected, it turned out to be as thought-provoking, challenging and exciting as the former.
          In this lesson, an overview of the importance of the theories and application of technology in education was introduced. Also it provided a concrete concept of Educational Technology 2 through providing goals and objectives.
Technology should be integrated in teaching and learning.
          Accordingly, Educational Technology 2 is concerned with “Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning.” Specifically, this is focused on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending the knowledge and skills to learners so that they can become exemplary users of technology. Also, it is directed to student teachers and professional teachers who want to know more about using technology in the field of education.
          As a professional-in-training it is already a great experience that will relate with this lesson. Being an education student, the use of technology is indispensable. Months from now I will become an official student teacher and I will make use of all the learning and different products of technology that I got and will be getting not just in Educational Technology 1 and 2 but also from all the subjects that I finished.
          As a student, I realized that technology can really be of great importance for students, student teachers, professional teachers, school administrators and anyone who is interested in supplementing their teaching and management with another flavor of success in the teaching-learning process and also in school administration. In this generation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution, technology in education as tackled in the second lesson of Educational Technology 2 is indeed very important in many aspects of our life – students, student-teachers, professional teachers, school administrators or anyone who have the courage of exploring the wonders offered by technology in education.

          As it was said that knowing is not enough, it is our responsibility and privilege to seek application of what we learn to further satisfy learning not just in theories but also as observable as possible in guidelines of being specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). For instance, I can apply what I learned from this lesson as a basis of foundation for a better comprehension of the next lessons so that I can embody desirable characteristics and attitudes of being a good student, an awesome student teacher, and a superb professional teacher.
The networks that a student teacher or a professional teacher  can fulfill.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Lesson 1 A Review of Educational Technology 1

A Review of Educational Technology 1
Lesson 1

"Educational technology is a profession like teaching. It is made up of organized effort to implement the theory, intellectual technique and practical application of educational technology.”                        – David H. Jonassen, et. al. 1999

         Educational technology 1 (ET-1) has founded the satisfying exposure and introduction to the wonderful world of educational technology. Starting with the unraveling of the history of educational technology, quality education and the roles of ET in the 21st millennium.
Addiction is one of the common exploitive uses of technology.

       The danger of dehumanization was forestalled by ET-1 through orienting the learners. Thus, the threats of ideological propaganda, pornography, financial fraud, and other exploitive use of technology was alleviated.
       Amidst the darkness times of ignorance and abuse to freedom in using technology, educational technology 1 has successfully paved the way for the learners to become aware, appreciative and equipped to use educational tools which were from traditional to modern educational media.
      Educational Technology 1 is the home of valuable experiences for students who are beginning to embrace the importance of technology in education and also in real-life situations. As for my case, it was my privilege to experience photo editing, comic strip making, formulating rubrics online, movie making, online rating of reporters in Google forms and having an active interaction with my teacher Professor James Paglinawan and my classmates in an online class of Edmudo. All I have mentioned were just pieces of the entire experiences and adventures we had in Educational Technology 1.
Think of effective approaches, methods, and instructional materials to be used in the class.

      As a student, after taking Educational Technology 1 I gained abundant knowledge about the subject. I realized that technology can do a great impact alone. How much more if it is accompanied by education to form educational technology? As a future teacher, I recognized the importance of educational technology not just in the classroom settings but also in seminars and special occasions in the community which involves the school.

       All of the knowledge that I have acquired in educational technology can be of no good use if they wouldn’t be applied. That is why I can use all the knowledge that I gained in ET-1 to inspire, communicate and teach my students in a more creative and mind-blowing way.

Learn to interact with your students in the most creative way possible.