Thursday, July 2, 2015

Lesson 1 A Review of Educational Technology 1

A Review of Educational Technology 1
Lesson 1

"Educational technology is a profession like teaching. It is made up of organized effort to implement the theory, intellectual technique and practical application of educational technology.”                        – David H. Jonassen, et. al. 1999

         Educational technology 1 (ET-1) has founded the satisfying exposure and introduction to the wonderful world of educational technology. Starting with the unraveling of the history of educational technology, quality education and the roles of ET in the 21st millennium.
Addiction is one of the common exploitive uses of technology.

       The danger of dehumanization was forestalled by ET-1 through orienting the learners. Thus, the threats of ideological propaganda, pornography, financial fraud, and other exploitive use of technology was alleviated.
       Amidst the darkness times of ignorance and abuse to freedom in using technology, educational technology 1 has successfully paved the way for the learners to become aware, appreciative and equipped to use educational tools which were from traditional to modern educational media.
      Educational Technology 1 is the home of valuable experiences for students who are beginning to embrace the importance of technology in education and also in real-life situations. As for my case, it was my privilege to experience photo editing, comic strip making, formulating rubrics online, movie making, online rating of reporters in Google forms and having an active interaction with my teacher Professor James Paglinawan and my classmates in an online class of Edmudo. All I have mentioned were just pieces of the entire experiences and adventures we had in Educational Technology 1.
Think of effective approaches, methods, and instructional materials to be used in the class.

      As a student, after taking Educational Technology 1 I gained abundant knowledge about the subject. I realized that technology can do a great impact alone. How much more if it is accompanied by education to form educational technology? As a future teacher, I recognized the importance of educational technology not just in the classroom settings but also in seminars and special occasions in the community which involves the school.

       All of the knowledge that I have acquired in educational technology can be of no good use if they wouldn’t be applied. That is why I can use all the knowledge that I gained in ET-1 to inspire, communicate and teach my students in a more creative and mind-blowing way.

Learn to interact with your students in the most creative way possible.

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