Saturday, July 11, 2015

Lesson 4 Bridging the Generation Gap

Bridging the Generation Gap
Lesson 4

Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.”           - Robert Kennedy

          As time goes by, most of the things around us are changing; some are developing while some were led to extinction.
          In this lesson, time is in a great course. We cannot argue that comparison of different generations exists. Not just in the way how people look but also in different cultures and subcultures in the community like in the field of education. It is said that there is an enormous generation gap which continue unless some changes are adopted at the proper time.
          In connection, given the rapid emergence of digital technology, at times referred to as information and communication technology (ICT), there is a need to prepare for bridging the digital gap in society through understanding ICT.
          Given the speed and power of ICT for change, growth, innovation, it becomes critical that teachers understand the gap that may be perceived between them and the new generation of learners.
          Like most of people would, I experienced a lot of instances in which generation gap was involved not just in school but also at home and in the immediate community. One of the effects of generation gap is the separation and building up of walls between the old and the new generation. Moreover, the effects that I mentioned are also applicable in the school environment. As a result, In my case, I usually compromise to an old generation teacher for the sake of compliance in any activities in the way of following what she wants us to do.
          In this lesson, I realized that generation gaps should be amended so that the outcomes of the teaching and learning process will not be hindered. It’s not just about the old generation who should be adopting but also the new generation should too. It is because in the process, both sides will be affected if the generation gap will not be bridged.

          The knowledge that I learned in this lesson can be of vital function for my career as a student and eventually as a teacher. I will use my understanding about bridging generation gap in providing awareness of the old generation teachers towards the gradual acceptance of the essential effects brought to us by technology and also for my responsiveness in continuing to bridge the generation gap in my own special way which will surely lead to success.

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